UTN Links
Links, from commercial, non-commercial, intranet or any other form of website, to the websites ("our websites") of Nippon Data Corporation and its related companies ("UTN group companies") may be made without permission in principle as long as the links are in agreement with and comply strictly to the terms and conditions on this page and "Guideline on Links"
We, however, decline allowing links to a page on our site which is not complete or to content within a page out of concern that the aim of the page may not be understood properly. Also, we may have to decline allowing links to our websites if the purpose is unclear.
When linking from your website etc to our websites, please contact us from "Queries on Links" at the bottom of the page, indicating the following;
- the URL of the UTN group companies or products page you would like to link to
- the title of your website
- the URL of your website's top page
- the URL of actual page which you wish to link from
- your contact details
Conditions of Links
Links, from personal, corporate, commercial, non-commercial, intranets or any other form of website, to the websites owned by UTN group companies may be made without permission in principle as long as the links are in agreement with and comply strictly to the terms and conditions on this page, "Guideline on Links", "Website Conditions of Use", and link guide defined per page.
Websites linking to our site
When providing a link to the websites owned by UTN group companies, please be aware that UTN group companies are not responsible for recompense, complaint, or any demand raised by third parties to your website. Please make sure that such complaints to UTN group companies from third parties is prevented and no loss is caused to UTN group companies by stating on your websites.
Termination of Links
In cases where there is a disagreement with, or lack of willingness to comply with the terms and conditions on this page, "Guideline on Links", "Website Conditions of Use", and link guide defined per page for any reasons, please terminate the link to the websites of UTN group companies or the use of icons provided for the link. Also, please note that providing a link to the websites is declined in the event of any of the following circumstances,
- A link from websites which contain defamation of UTN group companies and products and services provided by UTN group companies.
- A link from websites which contain illegal content or content which may be considered illegal and involve illegal activities or activities which may be considered illegal.
- A link which is not clear or hard to recognise whether the linked page is our website possibly due to the style of your websites.
Those conditions are subject to change without notice. In case of changes, conditions after being updated are always valid.