New national holiday dates
The dates of "Coming-of-Age Day" and "Sports Day" were changed in 2000, and "Marine Day" and "Respect-for-the-Aged Day" were changed in 2003. We have updated all of our products affected by these changes (including Safe Money), and sent an update kit free of charge to our registered users.
"Spring Equinox Day" and "Autumnal Equinox Day" are fixed by the law concerning national holidays (Law No.178, in 1948). The current Gregorian calendar allows "Spring Equinox Day" to be sit between 19 and 21 March and "Autumnal Equinox Day" between 22 and 24 September. The announcement of the final dates for these national holidays by is made by the Japanese Government in an official gazette dated 1 February of the year before.
To dealing with these dates, the following functions are hard-coded within the program which determines the dates. (The following formulas are used to calculate the "day" part of the both dates, and valid from 1980 to 2099.)
*Spring Equinox Day:
int (20.8431+0.242194*(year-1980)-int ((year-1980)/4))
*Autumnal Equinox Day:
int (23.2488+0.242194*(year-1980)-int ((year-1980)/4))
The dates calculated by the formulas are, therefore, not accurate, but used as an indicator for expected dates up to 2099.