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UTN Cultural Activities
UTN Group marked its 10th anniversary in 1998. Marking this important transition, we have renovated the existing CI, undertaken sweeping reorganisation of management and raised staff awareness of the importance of supporting the arts, making a social contribution and taking part in social activity. The third point was addressed out of regret that our role in society, up to then, had been overly business-oriented.

Fractional amounts of our salaries, irrespective of position, (director, permanent or part-time staff) are collected on a voluntary basis for our "world heritage foundation". We select where to donate the foundation at the end of every year by conducting a vote among employees concerned about social contribution. The foundation is transferred the following March. This is one of our social activities, which has been continued since Nippon Data's formation.

The main sociocultural activities we have recently become involved in are not only internal but in collaboration with existing, external organisations. We currently support sociocultural activities ranging from large scale corporate philanthropy projects to small yet important third party social and cultural activities.

These activities are not limited within Japan. Japanese culture and the culture of countries around the world - must be considered from a global perspective if we are to reach the common viewpoint.

Nippon Data International Group makes continued efforts to support social activities irrespective of national borders.

Supported by Nippon Data International Group

Polyphonic Arts Project This link is for out-side of WWW.UTN.JP
R2001 NPO This link is for out-side of WWW.UTN.JP
artday network This link is for out-side of WWW.UTN.JP

Tokyo Wonder Site (Man'yo / Tokyo) This link is for out-side of WWW.UTN.JP

JOCS (Japan Overseas Christian Medical Cooperative Service) This link is for out-side of WWW.UTN.JP